Some Day

Some day, may not be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you will look back and see the far you have come and understand the reason you could never understand the present and its trivialities, you will understand the unwoven pattern of life and the adventure you walked in, ran into and even swum across for that moment in time that is today this day.
So do yourself a favor and live today for what it is,

Worry not about what is to come but make good calculations based on nothing else but wisdom and experience, 
Walk without fear and most of all cultivate respect and great relations extend your boundaries whether social, mental, emotional and also financial
Love and be loved back and also be hated back because the fact is beautify your present for that is what it is a present that is the gift that we call today. 
Smile for it will build you for who you are and will in fact pull others towards you as they seek your warmth, Write poems and tear them up but never get lost in your own world too much but just enough to spring yourself back to reality and work the same.
Seek the inner truth of who you really are for when you deeply understand your own self only then will you find your own niche to fill and suffice that hidden thirst for success.
Encourage a lost soul, help the blind to cross that path but never ever fail to seek assistance when you need to for we all are but human and limitations are our nature, 

Rise and fall again but never miss the chance to learn a lesson or to whisper a prayer to The Almighty, 
Sleep late and have problems waking up it takes honesty to say one more episode or movie a small world to be lost into for a while, 
Indulge yourself but never at the price of your health or life or even worse at the expense of the comfort of another soul never break a heart for karma is indeed real.
Cleanse and purge yourself off the killers of comfort and peace and bad company for their dirty faces will rob you off your own beauty. 

Silence the pain in the heart with faith and never, ever, ever say never for in such doing you heed not the real sense of change and you will drift in a world of limitations but rather keep an open mind to assure yourself of great expectations that will be but at all moments avoid delusions of lies and half truths in sugar-coating ideas but never be so open mind as to steal from yourself the beauty of the kiss a lady called surprise .
Every now and then look at the Rubic cube of your past and realize that if you understood the future now or even at one moment you had a glimpse of it, you would have lost the sense of what today is a gift and a present that must be faced with faith, inner peace, a little awesomeness and craziness.
Take a walk and get a pet and awaken your soul for they are here to assure us that indeed some angels chose fur rather than wings and feathers, 

Love and get hurt learn but never ever lose the lesson but always be the coffee bean that changes its circumstances to sweeten the pain and heat of any situation and always, always welcome a new morning for this is and this will be a new beginning a beautiful one, one that is given to us in faith to take and to own and to dull and negativity of the hangover from the previous world so just let it be lest the words never cease to flow as I face this screen once again just let it be,
A New Dawn, 
An Awakening, 
A New day, 
A New life,
A Gift,
A Present,
A New Day.
